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Antrim Open Space Committee 04/19/05
Antrim Open Space Committee
Meeting Notes
April 19, 2005

Members Present:
Llinda Bundy            Melissa Chapman         Loranne Corey Block
Robert Edwards  Gil Geisz                       Charles Levesque (Chair)
Ben Pratt               Eric Tenney                     Rod Zwirner

The minutes of the March 1 meeting were approved as submitted.

Charles Levesque led a discussion relative to “kinds of open space”.  It was agreed that the committee “Open Space Protection Priorities” would be based on the following:
                Natural Resource Information
                Individual Values / Preferences

The committee members then suggested a list of types of open space they considered to be important to conserve in Antrim.  They are as follows:
        Recreational Access to Rivers
        The West Ridge
        Mixed Group of Habitat Types
        Historically Significant Sites
        Natural Beauty of Area
        Contiguous Corridors for Wildlife
        Lakes and Wetlands
        Larger Forested Tracts
        Conservation Friendly Development of Larger Tracts (Smart Growth)
        Good Agricultural Soils
        Old Pasture adjacent to Forest for Wildlife

The committee members then spent some time studying the four maps posted for their inspection.  The first showed a delineation of the Natural Resources & Conservation Lands.  The other three were Coarse Filter – Significant Wildlife Habitat maps prepared for the NH Fish and Game Dept.  They were identified as:
        Base Map
        CoOccurrence – Wetlands & Uplands
        Habitat Features

Melissa Chapman then conducted a review of the natural resource GIS information that she has been compiling for Antrim to act as the natural resource inventory for the Committee work.  After a thorough review and manipulation of the data layers by the Committee, it was decided that three paper maps will be prepared from this information showing the location of resources of such things as aquifers, agricultural soils and timber stands.  These maps are planned to be available for the June 14 and July 12 meetings, which will be open to the public and which will serve as further opportunity for Antrim residents to let the Committee know what they believe is important to conserve in town.  This will allow the public to become aware of the work the committee is doing and to make suggestions that will aid the committee in the preparation of its final report.

The May 10 meeting will be spent reviewing and evaluating the Public Surveys received since the March Town Meeting and will include a presentation of the Dollars and Sense of Open Space, if Dijit Taylor from the Forest Society is available that day.

Mr. Levesque passed out copies of Land Trust – Standards and Practices for review by committee members.
                                                Note taker
                                                Ben Pratt